
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Product Review: Puffs Plus with Vicks

In case you don't know, which means you either have not spoken to me, IM'd with me, or seen my Facebook status over the last week, I've been sick. Nothing severe. Probably just a nasty autumn cold. I'm sure I'll live and that I'm on the upswing.

During the last 7 days, I have managed to finish off all the DayQuil, NyQuil, Robitussin, Cold-eeze, Vicks VapoRub, over 80 Halls Cough Drops (honey-lemon flavored), 2 huge boxes of tissues (NOTE: do not cheap out on the tissues, you want the good stuff when you're sick), and numerous rolls of toilet paper when I ran out of tissues, that I had in my house. It hasn't been pretty and neither have I.

Finally, today, I stopped at my local grocery store to pick up some necessities and restock all the OTC drugs I could get my hands on. While in the tissue aisle stocking up on high quality Puffs Plus with Lotion, I discovered a new product that has changed my life in 2 1/2 hours.

Puffs Plus with Vicks.

These tissues made in Heaven by Angels contain not only lotion to help reduce the redness and peeling skin on my nose, but also Vicks VapoRub. With every blow of my nose, I have inhaled the blissful scent of Vicks VapoRub and the congestion loosens. As of this moment, I can once again breathe through my nose. This is the first time in seven days I have been able to breath with my mouth closed.


It goes without saying that these are these are not the tissues to wipe the goop out of your eyes and I might not recommend licking your fingers after holding these tissues, but as long as you plan on doing these things, these are the perfect tissues.

As far as I can tell, the only downside to these Puffs Plus with Vicks is that they don't come in a gigantic jumbo-size box. But maybe they do at Costco.

Next time you're sick with tons of congestion, I highly recommend Puffs Plus with Vicks. Your nose will thank you.


  1. I had the same cold. Perhaps I infected you during our im-fest on facebook last week? I'm sorry!!

    When it comes to tissues, there is no compromise. And Puffs is always the way... but I never tried the Vicks version.

    Oh LMS, thank you, thank you!

  2. Oh and feel better! Sorry for not adding that!!

  3. Thanks for the tip. I, too, am a firm believer in the Puffs Plus with Lotion when sick. I discovered them by accident and now recoil at the sight of regular tissues. You know, I remember blogging about the three month cold from hell last spring and mentioning how I had developed a thin layer of lotion on my upper lip from obvious and necessary overuse of the tissues. Get better.

  4. Thanks for your good wishes ladies!

    Not to worry Fran. It's not your fault. I was already very sick that night, which is the only reason I was home and we could chat. I was supposed to be at a debate watch party that I was hosting in Chicago with my alumni association, but I was too sick to go!

    Chatting with you that night was the silver lining in my day. Had I not been sick, I would have been in Chicago and not IMing with you. Although I was bummed about missing the party, I very much enjoyed IMing with you! :)


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