Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today I'm Grateful For . . . Thanksgiving 2009 Edition

Today is Thanksgiving, a day we all pause to be grateful for the abundance in our lives. No matter who we are or what our circumstances, I know that we each have an incredible list of blessings.

This year, my blessings include:
  • My brother. Dave and I have become an unbreakable team since Nana's death. He is my sounding board when I get frustrated with all I have to do to get her estate closed and he has the courage to tell me the things I don't always want to hear in ways that make me listen. He also never complains about the "honey do" list of projects around my house that I always have when he visits.
  • Little Merry Sunshine and Remembering Frances. Both blogs have helped keep me sane this year as I've had to navigate the unfamiliar territory of mourning. The readers and commenters of both blogs have given me strength, made me laugh, and made me think. Without you reading my blogs, I'd really just be talking to myself.
  • Nana having 92 years and 359 days of a beautiful life and the vast majority of it in good health. I'm grateful for the life she lived, the experiences she had, and her Horatio Alger-attitude. I think of the many life lessons she taught me on a daily basis and smile. I look around at the legacy she left and am proud to be part of it.
  • Mom being able to spend time with Nana these past few years. Mom may not have always been able to do all she wanted, but the relationship they forged and the bonds they shared are priceless. No one was a better advocate for Nana than Mom was. Without her fighting for Nana and standing up to doctors, Nana would have died a very painful and drawn-out death.
  • My own resilience. I've heard it said that God doesn't give you more than you can handle and the last few months have shown me that I grossly underestimated my own strength.
  • The World's Greatest Friends. Some of them have been life long friends and some of them have come into my life more recently. Some of them I only know through Facebook or blogging. But they all make me better.
  • My business. I am grateful beyond words for the flexibility I have, knowing that my efforts are rewarded over and over again, and that I have a positive impact on the lives of others.
  • Betsey and Ross and their continued good health. The vet said they look 8 rather than their 13 1/2 years. They are spunky and loyal and loving.
Even though I sometimes have a difficult time staying positive when the world feels overwhelming, I know that in truth, my cup runneth over with blessings and it's my job to find those blessings everyday.

What are you grateful for today?

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