Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Late last night, Little Merry Sunshine had its 50,000th visitor.

It took us 3 years, 9 months and five days to hit that milestone. And all I can say is WOW.


50,000 people have read Little Merry Sunshine. For real.

When I started writing this little blog on July 1, 2007, I hoped someone would read it. Anyone. And I hoped that it would be read by someone other than my mom. That's not to say she couldn't read it (She does. Daily.), just that I wanted other people to read it too. And you do!

To misquote Sally Field, "You like me! You REALLY like me!"

In all seriousness, I'm so grateful to all of my Little Merry Sunshine readers. Thank you for coming back each day. Thank you for sending me texts saying "I haven't received LMS for a week or so. Is everything okay?" Thank you for telling me when I missed the mark and for telling me when I've nailed it. Thank you for being polite in our disagreements over politics. And to #50,000, I especially appreciate you for a million reasons. You've got the formula for being in all the significant places in my life and I'm grateful for it. :)

Feel that? That's me giving each of you a huge hug of gratitude.

Here's to the next 50,000!

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