This is the only statement I will make on the subject and I would ask that you respect my privacy and that of my family during this time by not swarming our homes (I honestly don't remember how many we have - but I'll have my vast staff get back to you ASAP with the answer) with unnecessary 24/7 media coverage.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that I am not Barack Obama's choice for Vice President. No, I do not know who he chose. Yes, I agree that an Obama-Little Merry Sunshine ticket would have been powerful and one filled with hope and lots of change. Unfortunately, I believe I was not chosen due to my status as a "private citizen" and the Obama campaign was worried I could not bring in any swing states. Oh, and since I'm from Illinois, I really wouldn't add anything to the ticket as far as electoral votes. No, I'm not terribly disappointed. It was an honor to simply be considered.
Leaving the world a little better than I found it by sharing my passions and dreams, what inspires me, and maybe you too, and furthering the discussion about how we can listen to our better angels.
You are good........